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Meet the virtual team.

Beta Technologies has been building the Metaverse since 2006. We are an international collective based in both the USA and Portugal.

To date we have deployed several dozen projects in Second Life® using our proven competences in design, architecture, urban design, 3D modeling, graphical and Web design, software engineering and application development, and video production.

We apply a methodological approach to our work to assure the overall consistent quality of the final project. Our customers and partners include academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and major corporations.

So, welcome! Feel free to explore our work and to contact us.

Arts Resources in Collaboration, Inc. (ARC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1976 by co-directors Celia Ipiotis and Jeff Bush to advance the public’s access to knowledge about the arts and culture.

This is accomplished through the production and distribution of media programs on dance, the arts, and international cultural perspectives. In combination, these activities nurture an arts-literate public, preserve culturally diverse legacies, and establish a repository of educational and cultural resources for future generations. The project VP-ARC was formed specifically to incorporate use of the rapidly evolving virtual world technology in order to supplement our preservation work.

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