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Pilfershire – the Mystery.

All of the Pilfershire stones – stone walls and stone cellars – are reminders that people once lived here. But why did these people choose to build homes here and then, 100+ years later, what happened to cause some homes in northwest Simsbury to become abandoned and forgotten?

Much of the currently available information available about Pilfershire in Simsbury is conjecture – unreliable and inaccurate hearsay or sensationalized tales of haunting trails and seeing ghosts. For example:

“ Something drove the villagers of Pilfershire to act monstrously. Something made these people murderous and then perhaps their shared fear and guilt made them flee. You may feel the dark influences if you walk the paths in this empty forest… There are whispers of fairies here… You can almost hear them, mischievously chattering and plotting amongst themselves. Their voices are barely audible, yet high and shrill, with the occasional crackle of laughter inkling through the gaps in the trees. They’ve remained while all human residents have absconded. These creatures mean not to treat you well.” *

And, “A Simsbury resident who once visited the trail swore that she was followed home by the ghost of a young girl… A quick check on what we know about Pilfershire suggests that ghosts should be plentiful… What became of Pilfershire is a mystery for the ages.” **

Motivated by lack of credible information regarding Pilfershire of Simsbury, we will share share the results of our findings combining historical research, physical evidence, and expert insights. We will provide information about this abandoned neighborhood by introducing you to the people who lived there. Additionally, we will describe how these people lived and explain why their homes became abandoned. Our goal is to provide substantiated knowledge and better understanding to explain this area. And, in doing so, help clarify some of the “mystery” of Pilfershire.

* Kristen, Writer/Photographer ,  “ Connecticut’s Haunted Hikes and Their History: 11 Trails & Tales: Pilfershire Abandoned Town in Simsbury”, Early Bird On The Trail , 21 Aug. 2023,

** Hesketh, Kathleen , Hiking McLean Game Refuge: 2 Trails That Will Make You Want to Visit This Small Connecticut Town June 21, 2020